Thursday, October 2, 2008

Michelle Obama came to Boulder

Yesterday Michelle Obama came to Boulder to give a speech. I was upset because I had a lecture around the same time as her speech, but the teacher allowed us to go, so I went. I thought that it would be a good experience to say that I saw her speak, especially at MY school. I listened to what she had to say and her main message was that the youth of American needs to vote because we have just as big of an influential voice as the rest of American citizens. Her voting message to the youth of Boulder was good, but I am standing in a huge crowd of extreme liberal democrats and I feel like THE ONLY republican. I'm not clapping and everyone is like looking at me like because since I go to Boulder I HAVE to be clapping at michelle OBAMA!!!! She never explained the reasoning behind the points that she was bringing up. For example, she was telling everyone how her and Barack had just paid off their student loans because Barack had written 2 best selling books. I felt like she was just bringing up student loans just because most college students can relate to student loans. But what is Barack going to do about student loans...take them away? No, I felt like college students didnt even think about how the problem would be solved...just YEAH, I have student loans too...I should vote for Barack!!! Another interesting topic was that Barack's mom had just passed away from cancer and Michelle said, "When Barack's mom should have been worrying about getting better...she was worrying about if her insurance was going to cover her". The whole universal health care system kinda freaks me out...and she didnt even expand on her point. 

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