Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Santa Barbara

While attending CU, I have come across many small world situations. One in particular: one of my best friends Bree told me that he friend was coming out to visit her (this was during first semester). When her friend got here, I met her and went back to my room. Bree and Chealsie went to Pearl Street (an outdoor mall, down the street) to look for an outfit for an 80's party. When they came back, Chealsie threw my door open and asked me if I had a sister named Dante and a an Uncle Mike Luke???!!!! I realized that when I would go to my Uncle Mike's house in Carlsbad his neighbor had 2 daughters that Dante and I would always play with. It was Chealsie!!!! 

The first weekend of my spring break I took the train up to Santa Barbara to celebrate Chealsie's birthday with Bree and my other friends from CU at SBCC (Santa Barbara City College). It was really cool to experience a different school in a different location. We had a really fun time and it was cool to be able to celebrate a childhood friends birthday with my new best friends at college.

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