Saturday, February 7, 2009

Good to be home....

So I've been slacking on the blog...but I will try to redeem myself by recapping the past few months. Being home for the holidays was so fun. I missed my friends so much and I didnt get to see a few of them at Thanksgiving, so it was good to catch up. We started a tradition in high school of having a white elephant party at each one of our houses. This year it was at my friend Dray's house. We had so much fun; telling stories (past and present), opening presents, laughing, etc. I gave a $30 iTunes gift card and I picked a realllllyyyy soft blanket that is perfect for the cold nights in Boulder. Overall it was a really good break. Being in Colorado makes me miss home and my family. I love coming home and having older sister responsibilities like taking Bennett to practice, WANTING to go grocery shopping for my mom, cook meals, CLEAN MY ROOM??!!! haha. 
The first week of my break we took a family vaca to Tahoe. At first I wasnt that excited because I was leaving the snow to go to more snow!! But once we got their I started to have fun. We went snowboarding almost everyday. Watching my dad snowboard was kinda wierd but cool at the same time. Watching him take a few hard falls wasnt so fun. Seeing everyone hobble around the next day because we were so sore was hilarious. It was great to be with the family and have no distractions. 

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